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 Many employees at University Hospital Southampton had to transition to remote working when lockdown measures were put in place. They knew that to be able to use it properly, they needed good quality training on exactly how.  

Up until now, there hasn’t been a huge need for so many healthcare workers to use technology in their day-to-day lives. But the pandemic has changed this, making the NHS more digital than ever.  

It was crucial that everyone at University Hospital Southampton had the skills necessary to be able to continue their jobs in a new, digital world.  

“It’s clear that investing time and money in training really reaps so many rewards. We have gone back to Hable now and asked them for more training on aspects of Microsoft 365. These are programmes that people will be using every day, so we want them to feel empowered by it.”  

– Helen Harrison, Project Manager, University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust 


Part of any good change management project is a good comms campaign. When change is coming, it needs to be clearly communicated. We find it makes all the difference. We provided the right collateral and the right message to ensure everyone knew exactly what was happening. Posters especially were identified as being what really boosted engagement with this project.  

These new ways of working have had benefits across all areas of the Hospital. Physiotherapists can still see patients without them having to travel into the hospital. It saves time, money, and gives a better patient experience. Remote multidisciplinary team meetings have also been adopted. They’re able to reach more people than ever before and collaboration is seamless.  

The team at the University felt that through our project, they had achieved at least two years worth of digital transformation over a short period of time. Something that makes us incredibly proud.  

We know the pandemic is a hugely challenging time for everyone who works in healthcare. And are delighted to have been able to alleviate at least some of the pressure.  

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