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Working from Home? From #TeamHable to the World #TogetherAlone (Video)

Working from Home? From #TeamHable to the World #TogetherAlone (Video)

Over the past couple of weeks, life has changed dramatically for each and every one of us. As the world has had to very quickly adjust to working from home, something which #TeamHable has been doing and helping others do since our beginnings – we wanted to share with you a glimpse of our lives, a fun reminder to everybody that we’re all in the same boat and thanks to technology, even though we are physically distanced, we can still connect and share moments of our lives, together! Thanks to everybody from #TeamHable for taking part, as well as our featured friends from Microsoft.

Do you want to share a moment of your life at home with us? Send your video in to marketing@hable.co.uk

Let’s work, learn and laugh together.


