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Boost digital skills at scale. Inspire new ways of working. Increase digital confidence.

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eBook: A Guide to Digital Champions within Higher Education

Whether you have an existing Digital Champions network that hasn't yet achieved what it set out to - or if it's something you are beginning to explore - this guide has something for you.

Through our years of experience delivering and developing Champions programmes, we have identified what makes them effective. Our latest eBook explores:

  • The benefits of a Digital Champions network in Higher Education
  • What makes the ideal Champion
  • What makes a successful programme?

Digital Champions in Higher Education - Download the eBook today

Not in Higher Education? Not to worry! Download the standard version of our Guide to Digital Champions eBook:

Wait - what is a Digital Champion?!

A digital champion is someone who is passionate about helping their colleagues work better with technology.

They quite literally 'champion' digital tools. Promoting the proper use of technology as a way to work more efficiently.

The top three benefits of a University Digital Champions network:

  • Improved adoption of technology
  • Boost in digital skills and confidence 
  • Increased productivity and efficiency among staff
Group of staff stood together | Digital Champions in Higher Education

Need to bring in the experts? Explore Digital Champions programmes from Hable. Inspiring people from start to finish.

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Case Study: 86% of Champions report increase in Digital Confidence at Kingston University

Our inhouse Creative Team started by creating a strong brand for the programme. Before crafting an internal comms campaign to help raise awareness of the opportunity and recruit Champions from across the University. As a result, over 170 people signed up to join the programme.

We then went on to deliver an engaging 4-week learning programme including essential apps training and skills training. Ensuring everyone had the skills necessary to be the best Champions they can be.

The programme was a huge success. Culminating in a face-to-face graduation event for the Champions that we were proud to attend. 

We have developed and delivered Digital Champions programmes for some of the biggest organisations in the UK. And some of the most prestigious Universities. We are experts in the recruitment, branding, and communication of effective Digital Champions programmes to help you: 

  • Maximise return from your technology investment
  • Boost digital skills at scale
  • Increase digital confidence 

We've worked with some of the most prestigious educators in the country.